50 Years of making tomorrows happen.
50 Years of making tomorrows happen.

4th of July Celebration

Pittsburgh EMS Honor Guard

Present day Motor Unit (MC-3) on one of the many bridges in Pittsburgh

Paramedic Jarrett in his winter attire at Shadyside Hospital

The 5th Anniversary of Pittsburgh EMS

Pittsburgh EMS Vintage "Reunion" Picnic

The women of Pittsburgh EMS from over the years

Former Medic 8 in front of station in Allentown (Walter Street)

Medic 33, Ambulance 48 and Medic 36 on the 16th Street Bridge performing a "sweep" after one of many City wide races

On field crew for the Steelers Game (Christmas 2024)

Pittsburgh River Rescue Paramedic Wilkinson and Paramedic Crew Chief Taxel (2024)

Medic 3 crew and the pre-hospital physician on scene of a rollover with entrapment on Banksville Road (2024)

North Side Medic Units (Medic 4/Medic 10) together at Mercy Hospital

Paramedic Catley and Paramedic Prevost (Former) with Former Assistance Chief John Moon at Presby

Medic 9 on the River Walk with the City in the background

Paramedic Catley, Paramedic Greenhow and Paramedic Blystone Working Picklesburgh

Paramedic Catley and Paramedic Greenhow with our friend Steely McBeam at Open Streets on the North Shore

Pittsburgh Penguins 6.6K Race

Medic 9 in front of the Little Italy sign in Bloomfield

St. Patrick's Day Parade

St. Patrick's Day Parade

MC1, MC2, MC4 at Washington's Landing

Swearing in/awards ceremony at City County Building

Paramedic Rapone, Paramedic Catley, Paramedic Kesting, Paramedic Campeau and Division Chief McDermott-Grubb on field for a Pitt Football Game

Medic 16 on scene of a call at PPG Place

Paramedic McGrath and Paramedic Catley with the COPE Team (Community Outreach) doing a classroom presentation / Touch A Truck

Paramedic McGrath with the COPE team (Community Outreach) for a classroom presentation

Medic 4 on scene of a call on Ohio River Blvd with the city in the background

OCHS (Office of Community Health/Safety) crew after assisting with a cardiac arrest save

New Year's Eve 2023 at M9/R1 station before the night got busy

HazMat Medical Team training

River Rescue training

Paramedic Raina Lewis helps a fellow medic dress out for a Hazmat training

The most recent River Rescue graduate class

Hazmat Medical Team training

Medic 4 and Medic 10 are currently housed together at Medic 10's station while the new Medic 4 station is constructed

Hazmat Medical Team training

Paramedic Dave Naples (retired) at Rescue 2 with an old hurst tool

Cart 1 under the "big pickle" at Picklesburgh

River Rescue ropes training

St. Patrick's Day 2024

St. Patrick's Day 2024

Paramedic Raina Lewis, Rescue 1

Joint rescue training for the "Mon Incline"

Paramedic Blystone, Paramedic Wilkinson and Paramedic Crew Chief Studebaker working the ice for a Penguins Game

Pittsburgh Marathon 2024

Former Paramedic Cappellini, Assistance Chief Mark Pinchalk, Paramedic Kesting and Paramedic Campeau working the Pittsburgh Marathon 2024

COPE (Community Outreach) event with Paramedic Crew Chief Bonasso

Paramedic Elwood at control of the ropes for an on shift training in the East End

On shift ropes training in the East End

EMS Week 2024

Paramedic Wilkinson reminds everyone to stay hydrated on a very hot day

Rescue 2 on scene for a dog locked in a car

Paramedic Crew Chief Brantner, Paramedic E. Brown and Paramedic P. Gilchrist / Pittsburgh EMS Honor Guard at National EMS Memorial 2024

Blood training for in field blood administration

One of the many Secret Service Dignitary Details that our crews worked in 2024